Latest News
NOTE - This page is still under construction !!!!
The Sunday RAFA class is still at capacity but zoom passholders are being offered places once they've attended at least three weeks of zooms (subject to space). And for those who prefer to meet in person I'm offering an outdoor class at 1pm every Sunday in Lodge Farm Park - opposite the RAFA. RAFA regulars can join in too but only if they've been to the morning class (or if they use a class pass).
Outdoor yoga in Lodge Farm/Raphael parks and my garden count as zooms. I'm also planning Sunday afternoon and Friday evening ad hoc outdoor sessions. Make sure you are in the WhatsApp group to receive last minute updates and changes. This Tuesday's outdoor yoga will be in my garden (email me if you need the address).
I book all the passholders for the coming Sunday so your places are guaranteed. You know the drill: if you can't attend please let me know via email or WhatsApp but don't cancel on the system. That way your place will remain reserved for you whether or not you actually attend.
If you know anyone who would like to join please tell them to contact me and I'll add their name to the waiting list. The list is starting to grow as I am still getting a lot of enquiries for the RAFA but I want to concentrate on the students I've already got to ensure they get the quality teaching they deserve! Please give me honest feedback regarding what you enjoy or don't enjoy about the classes to help me plan the best possible experience for you all as individuals.
The August theme is Transforming judgement into compassion. You can expect another set of techniques and strategies to bring transformation and change into your life.
Transformation packs are now available to download along with other resources that I will be adding to over time - and, of course, you have access to on demand recordings to use whenever you want. I don't record ALL classes now but there will always be at least one recording available of each class. If you'd like me to change them more regularly I will rethink and start to upload them again.
Zoom timetable
Zooms should all run as per the timetable this week - subject to at least one person booking.
Friday Evening Outdoor Yoga in Raphael Park
I'm putting the Friday evening outdoor yoga on hold unless we get a sudden heatwave in which case I will make an announcement via WhatsApp. This means that Gentle Stretch and Yoga Nidra zoom will return to its usual slot of 6pm. Outdoor yoga will be after that at 7.30pm - meeting in the bandstand if it ever happens!
Please note that the first outdoor class is free to new students, after that the park classes are for passholders only (zoom OR in person).
More news:
I'm teaching at Thames Chase every Monday until 19th August. There will be a discounted rate for Mat Yoga on 5th and 19th August to make up for possible noise from the Fun Bus which, I understand, will be near the Education Room on those dates but shouldn't be too much inconvenience! 12th August will be charged at the usual rate. Pay weekly (£6 for 5th and 19th August; £12 for 12th August) or £20 in advance for all three weeks - or use in person passes (half a pass for 5th and 19th; full pass for 12th).
After class lunch at the Thatched House planned for 19th August from 2pm onwards - set meal (two courses £17/three courses £20). Open to all Body and Soulers not just Thames Chase regulars.
I am expecting Paula Restarick to take over the Thames Chase class from 16th September onwards. No yoga on the August Bank Holiday or first two weeks of September (due to the annual art exhibition).
This summer ...
Family Fun Yoga is coming to Thames Chase in August (first three weeks only) replacing Movement and Mindfulness which will be taking a break during August. Mat Yoga will continue at Thames Chase throughout August at a discount to reflect any inconvenience caused by the Fun Bus outside (as stated above).
In the pipeline ....
Nutrition and Ocean Drum workshops are planned for the autumn. Let me know if you are interested. They will be on Sunday or Saturday afternoons.
Movement and Mindfulness/Chair Yoga/Chi Ball may be moving to Cranham Community Centre on Monday mornings from September. This is very much in the planning stages but please let me know if you are interested. The zoom option will continue as before. NB: No Movement and Mindfulness during August.
1-1 Coaching sessions in Calm and Relaxing techniques and/or Breathwork. Please let me know if you are interested in either or both of those OR just arranging a bespoke 1-1 yoga session/s. We can arrange to meet via zoom (or in person after a RAFA or Thames Chase class) for a 15 minute "no fee; no obligation" zoom chat so you can decide whether the sessions and/or myself as a coach are the right fit for you.
The Varuna Ocean Drum Practitioner training is my next project. I will then be ready to hold an Ocean Drum Sound workshop, so look out for details of my first workshop - likely to be held on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon very soon!
And I'm still working on the zoom course: "Back to Beginner Basics" combining the backcare tools and strategies to achieve and maintain a healthy, happy spine with a basic understanding of how the spine affects the whole body both physically and energetically. Those already enrolled on the Backcare Course will be invited to join the course at a discount price. It may be a while before the course starts (realistically I'm looking towards September now) but do let me know if you're interested.
ESOL Yoga is also part of my future plans but currently on the back burner. Enquiries are always welcome so let anyone you think might benefit know about me (ie those who speak English as a second or other language and would like to improve their vocabulary, grammar and colloquial speech and understanding while practising yoga). They are also welcome to use the free resources on the ESOL Yoga section of this website - feedback and reviews appreciated.
Transformation Pack folders are available to download now. Hard copies and folders are available on request - as are back issues of the fantastic Om Yoga magazine (did I tell you that I've registered as a contributor so look out for one of my articles in print or online sometime soon?!). April's theme will be added to the resources very soon.